Saturday, 3 October 2015

Aussie Curves - Multicultural

I had a lot of fun with this weeks theme! I went Oriental because I totally have a thing for Japanese, Chinese and Thai culture especially the architecture, design and Japanese and Chinese art! 
I've painted quite a few pieces that are Oriental inspired and always get compliments on them, even sold a few, unfortunately I don't get time to create now days.
Here's a few pics of some "oriental" creations of mine.

My outfit is Geisha inspired as you could probably guess from the pictures! And Yes I am wearing baby powder on my face! 

The earrings I spotted in a Melbourne op shop and it was love at first sight! Then I saw the price tag of $12 thinking it had to be a typo but didn't care I loved them so much!

Besides from the Aussie Curves challenges, painting my nails is another thing I like to do weekly. It stops me biting my nails!! This week I stuck with a similar colour palette but also attempted some Chinese characters. My middle is supposed to be the character for nails and my pointer finger the characters for art. One person at work recognised them as characters, not scribble, so that's good enough for me!

I'm wearing:
- Thai dressing gown || gift from my sister-in-law-to-be years ago
- winged top || opshopped
- black skirt || opshopped
- new look footless tights || gift from a friend
- wittner? Laced platforms || opshopped $5
- earrings || melbourne op shop $12
- fan || found it!!
- hair chopsticks || actual chopsticks!

Please Note: 
If any content is offensive or seems disrespectful to any culture or person/s I am sincerely sorry. I have high regards for and interest in these cultures and did not intend to offend anyone.

And that, my friends, is all from me this week! If you wanna see more multiculturalism check out the other Aussie Curves babes through the blog hop below!!!

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  1. I'd totally pay $12 for those earrings. They're gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Kimba! Im from Bendigo so Im used to prices being a bit cheaper. Didnt stop me though I had to have them!! <3

  2. Saying that you don't mean any offence does not make this any less offensive. Read this and take more of the picture down the bottom. 'We're a culture not a costume.'

    1. I think I need to find someone I can have a face to face conversation with about this. Its to hard over the internet cause people can't read each others body language.
      I want to understand things, or be explained to the other perspective.
      Re: the picture down the bottom of your link 'we are a culture not a costume' yes I totally agree not all Japanese are Geishas... This is so frustrating not understanding...I'm sorry...I don't think there is anything I can say or do

  3. HI Charlene, I think your outfit is very nice, and considering how much research you have put into it (eg - your nails etc) and the fact you have researched and painted oriental art in the past means that you are certainly not like the anonymous person writes. You are not profiting from this look (unlike Ms Perry) nor are you an ignorant teen wearing a Native American Head-dress to some hipster musical festival without knowing the cultural implications. You clearly state that your look is a hybrid of a couple of cultures and that these things interest you, you don't anywhere outrightly say, or even imply that all Japanese women are like geishas and it's pretty clear from this outfit that is is geisha inspired - not a geisha costume.
    This weeks theme was always going to possibly tread on some toes, and I think the anonymous person should at least be able to engage in a dialogue about what made them feel that this was offensive and to be able to talk to you about it... sigh...
    I think you look great and I think your earrings are lovely. x

    1. Sigh indeed!!! Im a bit flabbergasted over it all really and the sad thing is I havent really learnt anything more about any culture except that some people from some cultures get offended by some things....sigh is all i can say!

      Thank you Jacqueline for your nice comments! Despite all the negative it has attracted I still love the oriental look and all the cultures it is inspired by!!

      You are such a gorgeous woman!!

  4. Holy SMOKES some people need to get a life! I would never downplay any kind of racism or prejudice, and having an ultra-sensitive and politically-correct best friend i've learnt to be on pretty high alert to comments and attitudes that are ignorant or offensive. As I was reading your post, honestly NOTHING jumped out at me. You didn't do anything wrong at all, that person has a bone to pick with the world.

    On a positive note, I think you look really cute, and your art is VERY COOL. I am also seriously impressed with how much you obviously respect and are interested in a different (particularly Asian) cultures. Keep your head up, and continue to be awesome! xx

    1. Thanks Kobi! Yes I will continue to be awesome but maybe not as much as you Miss High Distinctions All Round!! Congrats babe!!

  5. I love when white people tell me what I can and can't find offensive as a person of colour!

  6. Particularly when it's about my own culture!
    It's called cultural appropriation. Look it up and educate yourself. All of you should. And be very careful about speaking about a culture that isn't yours. I know you didn't mean offence, but the fact is dressing up like a culture that is not yours, right down to putting white powder on your face, is offensive and means a lot more to the people of that culture than you realise.

  7. It's crazy that you still don't get that dressing up like another cultures traditions just because you want to is not right. If you don't get it and won't educate yourself on it, that's incredibly ignorant of you.

    1. Ok Anonymous I think everyone gets your point. I know that dressing like this has obviously offended you. All that im trying to say is I dont understand why. Sure I can go and lot through the internet which is full of rubbish and irrelevant information. I know its easier for me to learn through conversation and its you who is not helping anyone to inderstand. But hey im ignorant what would i know.
      Id appreciate if you have enough respect not to comment on my blog again thankyou.
      If you would like to create your own place to air your opinion just google it and educate yourself.

  8. Why is it my job to educate you? I have told you what you have done is cultural appropriation. I am open to a dialogue. I think if you read the comments from yourself and others you will see it is you guys who are not open to learning or discussing. Being told to get a life for bringing in to your attention that what you are doing can and does cause offence is awful. I think you also knew that you were doing that by causing offence.
    Parts of other peoples cultures are not there for you to take and dress up for blog posts. Would you wear this down the street? Or to an event? Ask yourself these questions and answer honestly. Doing this is just as bad as wearing Native American war bonnets. Those war bonnets are Native American inspired, not exact costume. Why is this different?
    Cultural appropriation, if you're not willing to educate yourself, is 'Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else's culture without permission. This can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. It's most likely to be harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways or when the object of appropriation is particularly sensitive, e.g. sacred objects.” I won't comment anymore. I think you'll find reading back over the comments that I wasn't attacking anyone in my original comment and was more than open to discussion.
