Wednesday, 27 January 2016

NZ Style Curvettes - White

always struggle with white.
I don't own many white items of clothing and I haven't been married so I can't even post a pic of me in my wedding dress! 

I was initially going to wear this white cowl neck top/dress by Hope And Harvest but I wore it for another challenge in December so I thought I should try something else.

Whilst I was umming and arring over what to wear, I hadn't realised how time had flied until my bf knocked at the door to get me for the movie we were going to see... And I hate making people wait so I just chucked on this white top.

I haven't worn it much since I bought it because I thought it might've been a bit frilly and girly for me. Turns out it's not that bad! 

Outfit Details:
• White singlet || Autograph || Opshopped for $6
• Button Fly Flares || Pho Sizzle || $120 || See Flares here || See my Review of Flares here || $120
• Heels || Rivers || On sale for $8
• Headscarf || Opshopped for $2
• Silver Earrings || DesignStudio || Opshopped for $5 (they were brand new with the $19.95 tag still on them!)


  1. It looks perfect casually downplaying the frills with the denim! Love it and your head band is great for an easy style too. I do that trick a lot. ;) :D

    1. Thanks babe! You are so right about downplaying the frills with the casual denim! Good point!
      And the headscarf is a great trick! I'm at that stage where I'm trying to decide what to do with it; cut it all off or keep it as it is but I'd need to do something with it.
