Above is the 'Pin' for the month of July.
The aim is basically to use this picture or 'Pin' and use it as inspiration for an outfit and then post your version (or spin) of that outfit, linking it to a heap of other other woman also doing the same challenge.
It is amazing to see how many different outfits you can get just from the inspiration of one picture alone!
I know many others have looked at this pin and seen pattern clashing, blue, a stripey long sleeved top underneath but all I can think about is the dress and how It reminds me of this dress I own (below).
My dress (or tunic) is an opshopped bargain made by the brand Mesop.
I love the material it's made of and I find it's great to wear in this weather! I find the brands Metalicus, Vigorella and Mesop seem to have alot of designs in this kind of material. It is so warm and I sometimes wonder if it is a bit thermal because it keeps me so warm.
Anyway my point is the blue dress in the original pin looks like the same kind of material, whether it is or not I couldn't find out. But I also think the patterns are similar, I'm not sure if it's the evenly spaced flowers or not but theres something there that is similar, I just can't put my finger on it!! Arrgh my brain is fried and its only Wednesday! LOL
I also added a plaid style scarf to create a tiny bit of pattern clash and also cause it is freezing in Bendigo (Victoria, Australia) where I live. We have such a chilly Antarctic breeze at the moment that baring my neck feels as if I'm completely naked and standing neck deep in a frozen over lake!!
• Green flower tunic || Mesop || Opshopped for $5
• Black leggings || Now @ Kmart || $8
• Boots || Autograph || Roughly $100
• Rose belt || City Chic || $15
• Scarf || Opshopped || $3
• Black cardigan || Blue Illusion || Originally opshopped however I lost it and then found it a few years later in my work locker! Ha
Don't forget to join in for the month of August! Check it out at icurvyworld.com
And check out the other outfits inspired by this Pin Here