:: The Story ::
Skip forward to today getting ready for work... I was looking for something cool to wear in 36 degree (celcius) heat and decided on a striped Autograph crop. Then I remembered I had only thrifted a striped bolero the previous day and contemplated stripes on stripes.
If the stripes are different sizes does that count as different patterns? And therefore, does thick stripes with thinner stripes count as pattern clash?
According to me, Yes.
Outfit Details
Oversized crop || Autograph || Thifted for $2.50
Striped bolero || No label || Thrifted for $4
Dark denim leggings || My Size || Thrifted for $2
Then just to top off the clashing of the stripes I added some cute zigzag ones!
Thats 3 different stripes so that totally counts... Well that's my story and I'm sticking with it!!
Oh and check out this pattern clashing outfit (below) that I found at work! (I work at an op shop) Paisly and leopard print!! If it was my size I totally would've bought it just for this challenge!! Haha
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